The Mall is, you guessed it, a mall. It is a ten story mall made up of two seperate buildings connected by the basement and the third and fourth floors. On our way there, I was having unforunate troubles with my contact lense, causing my eye to water and close. It was quite painful so we decided to clean the lenses at a glasses and lenses store in the mall. When I took the lenses out, we found that one of them was split, and that's why it was so painful. Naturally, I could not put the lenses back in my eyes so I was forced to spend the rest of the day blind as a bat.
Sunghee convinced me to try on some glasses and I ended up finding a pair that I really liked. I did a quick vision test which is not so easy when the gal testing you only speaks Korean. Can you believe that the vision test was free? Then I had to make sure the lenses did not make me dizzy so they stuck the perscribed lenses in an interesting gadget that I had to walk around the store wearing. The lenses wer fine, so I paid for the glasses, and was upset to find that my debit card does not work. :( I was extremely happy, though, to find that my glasses with lenses only cost $40! I cannot believe the contrast in price to my $400+ glasses I purchased in Canada!

These are my new glasses ^^
Dont worry, I'm just kidding. These are ^^

Now with vision, Sunghee and I headed up a few escalators to wait for her Mum to finish her art history class. We were invited in and all the Korean women were excited to see a white person. They all gave us snacks and such and it was quite embarrassing. Of course I could not underand the lecture the teacher was giving, but I ended up being just as knowledgable as the class. It just so happens that I already learned all about the Classical Age of Greek art in history this year. Now they probably think I'm really smart. ;P
For dinner, we ate Vietnamese food. Sunghee and her Mum went for pho but I decided to go for rice and fried pork which was delicious. While at the mall, we ran into a few of Sunghee's Mum's friends from her art histort class. The found it quite hilarious that Maggie in Korean means catfish. One of the ladies even had a fan hand-painted with catfish. She was so excited to meet a white person named Catfish that she gave me the fan! Which reminds me, I saw a white person for the first time since I've been here. We both just looked at eachother like 'wow, are you really standing in front of me?' We had quite a moment. :P
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